Modena walking tours

Fast-racing cars, opera music and dangerously tasty foodstuffs: that’s what Modena will be seducing you with.

The city is globally renown for iconic, lavish traditional balsamic vinegar, tenor Luciano Pavarotti and Ferrari racing team, no less. Can it get any more authentic Italian then that?

Travellers from all around the world have always been gathering at the bottom of medieval, all white marble-built Ghirlandina Tower, symbol of the town itself, rising high in the sky, all above the pastel buildings and palaces of the city.

Modena served as capital of Este Duchy for almost three hundred years, now still appearing as an extraordinary Baroque gem of imposing and majestic architecture. Follow me all around the amazing, narrow alleys of the town. At the very centre of it, the ever glorious-looking, 11thcentury Romaneqsue Cathedral, selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its extraordinary, amazing preservation state.

This is a town of tasty, delicious foodstuffs and fine living, where Italian traditions and original lifestyle are simply at their best. It’s no chance the city is now hosting one of the top-ranking restaurant all across the world: this how seriously food and true Italian tradition are taken in here!

Half day in Modena

Half day walking tour of Modena will allow you to be exploring the most popular sights and attractions all throughout the town, as well as discovering its peculiar, lively Italian lifestyle. From majestic Romanesque Cathedral, UNESCO-declared World Heritage Site and nearby Main Square, I will be leading you all [...]

September 13th, 2018|

Modena in a day

A day in Modena will allow you to be exploring all of sights and attractions in town, as well as discovering its peculiar, lively and fully authentic Italian lifestyle. Prepare to be experiencing lavish diet and foodstuffs, Pavarotti singing voice, Ferrari racing cars and the lifestyle of Modena citizens. I [...]

September 13th, 2018|
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